This is the page about
Turricans and clones, which have been never released... Acsys (Autonomous Cybernetic System) should become a AGA amiga game,
but they stopped developing, because this sector was dieing. It is really sad, that Turrican3D has never been released. It is allways sad, to find a non-finished Turrican clone... That way
it is also with Scorpion for the C64. Scorpion seemingly bases upon
the mapeditor, Manfred Trenz wrote for the Turrican games. There is
a demo, in which you can run, jump and shoot through a small world.
Without sounds, musics and enemys this is nothing to have gaming fun,
but something for interestes people... The Turrican Javascript RPG-Adventure in the Walkerfactory is my personal addition to the Turrican games that weren't. Finished was allready an engine, which formed a walkable labyrinth out of an array. Each space could have values for the grafics-window, enemies, objects, and things to interact with. Matthew Browns Turrican 3D: Matthew Browns Flash-Turrican: Two TGTW in a row! This unfinished Flash game was on his Turrican3d page. Maybe this playable scene even featured a tileengine... however, there was no scrolling, no jumping, just improper moving, shooting, and dieing. News about Matthew Brown's stuff! On his page are Turrican3D pictures again. And maybe he will create a more complex Flashturrican! At the moment, he is studying, so he has no time for a huge project like Turrican3D, but much time later, there is the possibility, he wrote. T2002 for theGBA: I'm not sure, if this really is a TGTW, in fact,
I hope not! Shurrican: This is a Turrican cadavre, I found some time ago. The webmaster of the allready dead page didn't answer my mails, and everything known about Shurrican are some schreenshots of an obviosly working engine... Turrican Click (Windows): This title actually makes sense, as Turrican
Click has been clicked together wirh Multimedia Fusion... ;) Andyukmonkey
made the engine for another game, and tested, how well it could be used
for a Turrican clone. Turrican3 PC and Acorn Archimedes: Project-C: Factor5's successor of Thornado, probably in every way... Robert put some concept art on his site . Turridoom: My miserable attempt to creat a DoomII Turrican mod. It failed already about 5 years ago... (from 2009). It were the sprites... So many viewpoints and always with animations! A bit sad, as the landcape grafics were wuite cool. Time to mention my DoomII levels with Turrican musics though.;) Atari800 TurricanII: An incomplete port to the old Atari home computer. The video shows a working landscape engine with recolored C64 tiles. The scrolling is superior to the C64 version... |
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