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Windstille for the PC

The new editor
Windstille0.3. title screen.
A Screenshot of Windstille0.3.

A screenshot of the demo.

Some artwork...

Nice city.... smells like a real plot here...

Ingamegrafics looking like handdrawn.
I guess, partly the are just that.

A pseudo screenshot.

Playing with light here.

If things like this will fill the game in a big style, something great is waiting...

One surely can be curious.

Update (05.2009) : New live signs from Windstille: They did the Duke, and redid things, like a new editor...

Windstille is most likely the most unusual Turrican clone...
In deed everything looks like a complex plot, which actuelly influences the gameplay!
A Turrican with real story? More likely something different.
Official they pronounce it as a mixture of Turrican, Metroid, Flashback, Prince of Persia and Another World.
It is certain, that there will be a city, in which you can interact with characters! The Turricanpart is to find outside this city.... The fact, that you sometimes play with the powersuit, and sometimes without, confirms that.
The demo shows the Turricanpart, although the enemies come from Metroid. It is a quite unfinished demo, but it delivers already a great atmosphere, last but not least thankts to Ralph Weinert's great soundtrack.
The ingame grafics look like handdrawn... funny, that the artwork shows hard computer influence quite often...

Thanks to the developement Wiki, the developers show the progress in the most open way. Sadly this is a very complex/confusing way.
A good thing there is the ideas-page, in which every one may post own suggestions.

After reading some pages there, it gets clear, that Windstille will be a complex game, in which the Turrican clone is just a part.

Some people will like the fact, that the demo is also for Linux aviable.

As on the 13th June of 2007, Windstille 0.3 was released, and one allways can have a look into the developement, thanks to the wiki, Windstille gets this award:

It got compiled by Robert for Windows, but as so often, if you have to work with Robert's software, you have to install a thousand other things, to run it. ;)
0.3 sounds like much, but isn't in fact: It'S an engine demo for the non-suit areas, which even likes to crash.
But then it has got an intro!

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